Your Kitchen, Your Health and Feng Shui

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When applying the principles of Feng Shui to a home, people often think of ways to improve the home’s entrance, living room or bedroom. Did you ever wonder what other rooms of your home might benefit from the art of Feng Shui? One of my favorite rooms in the house is the kitchen, yet it is often overlooked when it comes to the application of Feng Shui methodology. The kitchen is also one area of the home where Feng Shui can potentially have a direct benefit to your long term physical health. In this article I will discuss what you can do to your kitchen that will help create more positive Qi (energy or life force) and in doing so improve your overall health and the health of your family.

Feng Shui Color

In my articles, I often discuss the important role color plays in the Feng Shui thought process. This concept is also important in the kitchen where some colors are not only aesthetically pleasing but, believe it or not, can improve the home owner’s digestive cycle. Proper digestion is considered one of the basic tenants which helps determine a person’s ability to live a long and healthy life. Our knowledge of Feng Shui colors is a useful tool which can be used to help support this goal.

So, what are these magical Feng Shui colors? The most auspicious colors you can paint your kitchen, in the order of importance, are:

This stimulates digestion in the intestinal tract.

Is a soothing or healing balm for the nervous system.

Is a relaxing color that promotes calmness and inner peace.

These colors have various effects on the brain and its many functions due to the way the brain is stimulated through the visual cortex. Whether you are stimulated by yellow or sedated by greens and blues, Feng Shui colors have a profound effect on our everyday health.

Please keep in mind; you do not have to choose a bright color for it to have a positive effect on your digestive tract. Various hues of yellow, green or blue will still have a beneficial Feng Shui effect.

Feng Shui Cookware and Appliances

Proper Feng Shui cookware is also a critical element in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best not to have metal cookware. However, many western societies prefer to use stainless steel or aluminum pots and pans. Unfortunately, scientific data supports the belief that exposure to aluminum may have negative effects on the human nervous system and potential links to Alzheimer's disease. If not metal, what is the proper Feng Shui choice for cookware?

You will notice many fine restaurants use copper base pot and pans. Professional cooks prefer copper because the heat conducts more rapidly and it is easier to control. Copper is the choice of Feng Shui practitioners because it does not have the toxicity of aluminum and it is a magnet for positive Qi. Some people prefer to use glass cookware. Although glass cookware eliminates the toxicity issues, it will not create good Feng Shui Qi for you or your kitchen

If it is practical, try to choose a gas range for your kitchen. A live flame not only allows you to cook more precisely, but the flame represents the Feng Shui element of Fire. Fire has played an important role in human development and it represents expansion. Using fire will symbolize growth in your own life and as a result you will become more open to change and opportunity.

Feng Shui Kitchen Layout

The layout of your kitchen is also vitally important. So, if at all feasible, try to keep in mind the following Feng Shui principles and scenarios:

1. Never turn your back on the entrance to the kitchen!
While you are cooking, you should never have your back face the entrance of your kitchen. This is due to the fact that Qi will come through the doorway and attack you from behind. Whether in the kitchen, or any other room, we should always attempt to face the oncoming Qi.

Feng Shui Cure
The best Feng Shui cure for this particular affliction is to hang a faceted crystal above the stove or in the center of your kitchen’s ceiling. The crystal will help distribute the Qi more evenly throughout your cooking environment.

2. You should never be able to see the bathroom from the kitchen!
The position of the bathroom in relationship to your kitchen is critically important. The bathroom is a place where much of the health Qi can potentially be "flushed" down the toilet. If you can see the commode from the kitchen, when the bathroom door is open, then you will need to immediately institute the following cures.

Feng Shui Cure #1
Place a small dish or shot glass on the commode and fill it with raw white rice. The rice will prevent the Qi, or more importantly, the health aspect of your Qi from being literally flushed down the toilet. Rice is grown in a paddy field and its semi-aquatic nature will symbolically deflect the Qi away from the commode and up towards the wall and ceiling.

Qi will get flushed away every time someone forgets to put down the lid before flushing. Yes, men are notorious for this particular Feng Shui disaster in the making! So make sure to take time for a refresher course on bathroom etiquette.

Feng Shui Cure #2
Keep the bathroom door shut at all times, and keep the drain of the sink open only when in use. A closed bathroom door will keep the Qi from entering room and the closed drain will keep it from escaping through the sink.

Even though the kitchen is probably one of the most popular rooms in the house, we often forget the role it plays in our Feng Shui life. If you implement our understanding of Feng Shui color, cookware and layout with respect to your kitchen, you will see a marked improvement in your health. Of course this should not be used as a justification for eating poorly and avoiding exercise.

San Dan Yi
Feng Shui Colors
A brief description of various Feng shui colors and their effects.

By San Dan Yi
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