Feng Shui Home Tips

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Feng shui has been an ancient Chinese practice that has recently became popular even in the Western world. It aims to strike up a certain kind of balance in a certain environment making it more ideal for people to live in. This is the practice of feng shui that has gotten the attention of most people, particularly for use in their homes. Here are some useful feng shui home tips that you can make use of to make your home filled with that positive "chi".

Your Doorway and Chi

First off, you can start on your doorway. Doors should always remain free and clear of clutter. With this in mind, you should try to remove any slippers or shoes that may be lying around the doorway. In feng shui, it is said that "chi" flows with the wind. With the slippers and shoes at the doorway, the "chi" would bring with it the smell coming from the slippers and shoes into your house and cause sickness.

The "chi" would then go about the home interior trying to find water where it can stay. In the absence of such bodies of water like water fountains and aquariums, the "chi" would easily be dispersed by the wind.

Of Water Tanks and Fountains

In feng shui, water is said to be a repository of the energy called "chi". That is why it may be good to have one in the home. But positioning is also important. A water fountain or fish tank should be positioned in an area that would attract positive "chi". But a wrong or unfavorable position would also bring in the opposite.

While good fortune awaits, wrong positioning would also bring in misfortune and bad luck. If you have noticed the latter happening to you after positioning a water fountain of fish tank at a certain area in the home, you may need to shift it to another location.

Chi in the Kitchen

In designing your kitchen at home, make sure that you do not place your refrigerator opposite of your stove. These appliances can stand for fire and water. With the two clashing, it may bring family members to experience frequent disagreements at home. This also goes the same with the stove being opposite with the wash basin or washing machine in your kitchen.

Feng Shui in the Living Room

If you recently have been experiencing considerable pressure at work, your marble table might be a factor that may be causing it, feng shui speaking. You can either try to work your way through the pressure or you can remove the marble table in your home and exchange it for a wooden one.

In the same way color may also affect some things in feng shui. For instance having a red sofa set in your living room may bring about work pressure, problems as well as obstacles.

The color red that signifies fire just doesn't work well in some areas of the home. These are just some of the feng shui home tips that you can apply to make sure that the flow of "chi" in your home remains on the positive side.

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Feng Shui Arrows

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In Feng Shui, the term arrows refer to sharp objects that bring bad luck and negative energy. In a way, like an arrow, it cuts through all the positive chi or energy within an environment. These arrows are inadvertently distributed all over the world, and if you are a budding Feng Shui enthusiast, it may be helpful to know what “arrows” in life you must watch out for.

The Arrow of Staircases

The most popular arrow is the arrow from staircases. To locate this arrow, just try to find that space underneath the staircase of your home. From just standing there, you will already feel all the heaviness, not just from footsteps, but also from the energy that is being siphoned off in that area because of the staircase arrows.

As much as possible, avoid hanging out underneath staircases or placing living rooms directly underneath staircases. In case this is unavoidable and you are cramped for space, you may have to buy some Feng Shui charms to ward off then negative effect.

The Arrow of Complex Architecture

Complex architecture may be lovely to look at but not necessarily good for business. If you are really after getting the most out of your buildings and inviting all the positive energy, avoid complex structures. By complex structures we mean architectural designs which have too many pointed edges (e.g. star-shaped buildings.). All these arrows are actually detrimental to people who will be standing directly in front of these arrows.

The Escalator Arrow in Malls

Getting the right stalls from malls may be quite tricky, but here’s a rule of thumb: Avoid the stalls which are directly in front of the bottom step of the escalator. This is because all the energy and prosperity is being drawn off and invited out of the stalls by the negative arrow of the escalator. While people may think that positioning one’s self directly to where customers can view the store as they alight the escalator, it’s bad Feng Shui and detrimental to one’s profit.

Arrows from Attics

If you have an attic, chances are, you get the irregular ceiling shapes from the walls. Try to soften the arrows from your attic ceilings by hanging chimes and other charms of Feng Shui. The arrows from attics can invite more stress and carry over negative energy from the past, especially if you are using the attic to store up old stuff.

Arrows from Irregularly Erected Walls

Irregularly erected walls or walls that lean diagonally forward may be dangerous. If at all possible, avoid placing the bed beside the region where the wall leans. This is where the arrows will hit you while you are resting.

There are other arrows in the world, and you may actually name some more based from your direct experience. Whether the exposure to arrows may bring bad luck forever or not, the practical side of Feng Shui avoids complications and wants a bright space where light can quickly come through. All the other invisible elements like the energy just follow suit.

Despite the warnings on arrows, this is not saying that we must abolish arrows in our lives. The whole key to the Feng Shui concept on arrows is consistency and ability to put the arrows in a place where it can do minimal damage.

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