Tips For Living Room Feng Shui

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Living room feng shui is one of the best ways to start the process of fine tuning the home to reflect the ancient philosophy. No other room is the house gives an individual more feng shui potential than the dining room.

The reason for this is that more than likely the living room is central to all family life. The dining room is the one room of the entire home that can be activated according to all nine sectors that are used in the bagua square.

This makes dining room feng shui very important and one of the best rooms to begin transforming to reflect a good home using this chinese philosophy.

A dining room is where everyone congregates together no matter if it is just the family getting together or being used for a celebration. In order to promote good living room feng shui, the key to remember is arrangement.

Most living rooms are designed to form an L where either the fireplace or television is the central focus. However, people should be the focus instead.

In an L-shape, people may feel uncomfortable for no reason. However, if the dining room is arranged so the seats face each other then everyone will begin to be more at ease and harmonious.

This simple change in arrangement can promote a more positive energy flow, which is the key to good living room using this chinese philosophy.

In dealing with living room of this chinese philosophy, a person can make quick fixes that can help promote feng shui. By simply adding red and gold to a living room, a person will help promote happy feelings and keep conflict away.

Another simple thing to do is hand a family picture on the east wall. According to the bagua square, this area of the room is intended for boosting family relationships. The dining room is a perfect place to do this since so much time is spent with the family in this room.

Living room feng shui is one of the most popular feng shui searches on the internet. A person can promote this ancient philosophy by doing just a few simple moves of furniture or pictures.

By adding certain colors, design using this chinese philosophy can be promoted quickly and easily. If a person wishes, they can be more elaborate by completely rearranging their furniture to enhance feng shui.

The key to remember when searching for living room of this chinese philosophy is to promote positive chi in every touch one adds even if the touch is elaborate or simple.
Author Resource:- Mike Selvon has some informative feng shui articles for the creative mind. Find out more about living room feng shui at his resourceful site. We appreciate your feedback at our feng shui blog.
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Neo Feng Shui vs Feng shui

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The purpose / aim of Feng Shui / Neo Feng Shui is to create harmony between the surroundings and the people and get the benefits from the surroundings, so that they will work for you and not against you.

Feng Shui is an old science, which the Chinese people described several thousand years ago. They observed, how the energies around us in the nature and in our living areas affected us positively and negatively and they learned how yin and yang, the compass directions in relation to the living areas and the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood) also have a strong effect on our lives. They divided the living area into forcefields (the Bagua map) and used many symbols and things, when they established/decorated a living area according to the principles of Feng Shui.

There exists many ways/trends within Feng Shui, and these can in principle be divided into two schools - an eastern one and a western one.

In the eastern school (called the classic or traditional Feng Shui) the remedies are e.g. Chinese astrology, mystics, the physical placement of the living area and talismans/fortune animals e.g. dragons and 3 legged frogs. In the western school there is a higher focus on, how people are affected by the surroundings and the choice of colours, lights, materials and shapes.

Neo Feng Shui a Danish developed life- and decorating philosophy has taken the essence from the old wisdom and removed all layers of religious belief, superstition, cultural influence and traditions and given us a philosophy adapted to the twenty first century.

Neo Feng Shui and Feng Shui are to understand the connection between the physical structures and how we flourish and develop. With Neo Feng Shui you yourself can influence your life, your wellbeing and your development in an active way. By adjusting the things that influences you in a room, it is possible to use the environments in a conscious way, so that you will be supported in your personal development and work for the desired outer and inner changes.

Neo Feng Shui is not about fashion, but is about creating wellbeing, development and success in your home or in your business. All suggestions and solutions that are given in a Konsultation are individual, because we all are on different levels of developments and we have different needs and wishes in life.

Neo Feng Shui is a registered Trademark.

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Feng Shui Tips for your RV

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It is believed that feng shui utilizes the natural laws of the universe to help you achieve your goal with the help of positive chi flow. In laymans terms, its the art of arranging furniture in order for one to receive good luck. The principles of this art can not only benefit you in your home furniture, but it can be applied as well when choosing and arranging RV furniture.

Here are some basics which can be applied right away:

- Clear up clutter from your RV. Get rid off all the things you don't need nor love. You want positive chi to move freely.

- Put your seats at right angles to each other. This will also make it more conducive for conversations amongst family.

- Make sure that the coaches and the bed does not face away from the entrance.

- Your bed should not be facing a mirror. In fact, there should be no mirror in the places that you are found off. It is said that this will bring about bad luck and third parties into your relationship.

- The stove in your kitchen area should not be across the refrigerator or sink. The practical reason is that you don't want heat to go in your refrigerator as it will consume more electricity. The feng shui reason is that you don't want the elements of fire and water to clash.

- Make sure that you put in as much natural light and air as possible. You wan't to welcome fresh positive chi into your RV.

- Place your bed against a solid wall.

- If you have a pet turtle. Do not bring him along.

- Pick your parking spot wisely. Stay away from electrical poles as the magnetic fields will disrupt your sleep.

- Place the television set in the living room area instead of the bedroom. I know that this is a hard habit to break. If you must place it in your bedroom, cover it with a plastic (not cloth) table cover when you are not using it.

There are more feng shui concepts that you can apply when you are arranging your RV furniture. There are concepts like object and color placement (where you will make use of a feng shui star chart), there are color coordination principles you can follow, and so on and so forth. If you are seriously want to apply some advance concepts, there are multiple sources online and books on the subject. You can also consult a feng shui master or an interior designer. - Feng Shui Tips for your RV

About the Author

RV Furniture Guide is the best place to go for tips and resources when looking for RV Furniture. Please visit our website at

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